Pottu (English: Vermillion) is a 2019 Indian Tamil horror comedy film, written and directed by Vadivudaiyan. The film features Bharath in the lead role, with Iniya, Namitha and Srushti Dange playing other pivotal roles. With music composed by Amresh Ganesh, the film is produced by John Max for Shalom Studios. Pottu is movie, following along the lines of this producer-director combo's earlier movie Sowkarpettai. The film was launched in January 2016, and released on 8 March 2019. It is dubbed in Telugu and released on 8 March 2019 as Bottu and in Hindi as Bindi.The film opened to negative reviews.
- Bharath as Arjun
- Namitha as Bhrameshwari
- Iniya as Pottu
- Srushti Dange
- Rajendran
- Sayaji Shinde
- Thambi Ramaiah
- Swaminathan
Pottu (2019)[HQ 1080p - 1.4GB ]
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