Boomerang is a 2019 Indian Tamil action thriller film written, produced and directed by R. Kannan. The film features Atharvaa, Megha Akash and Indhuja in the lead roles, while Upen Patel plays an antagonistic role alongside Sathish, RJ Balaji, and Narayan Lucky in supporting roles. The music was composed by Radhan with cinematography by Prasanna Kumar and editing by R. K. Selva. The film released on 8 March 2019.
- Atharvaa as Siva and Sakthi
- Megha Akash as Gee Gee
- Indhuja Ravichandran as Maya
- Upen Patel as Sooraj
- Sathish as Gopal
- RJ Balaji as Shanmugam
- Narayan Lucky as Sam
- Suhasini Maniratnam as Aishwarya
- Mahendran as Mahesh
- Ramkumar Ganesan as Akash, a channel owner
Boomerang [ 1080p - 1.4GB ]
720p - 850MB