Mr. & Ms. Rowdy is a 2019 Indian Malayalam-language comedy film co-written and directed by Jeethu Joseph. Film produced by Gokulam Gopalan and Jeethu Joseph under the banner of Sree Gokulam Movies. The film features Kalidas Jayaram, Aparna Balamurali, Ganapathi and Shebin Benson in lead roles
Mr. & Ms. Rowdy is a 2019 Indian Malayalam-language comedy film co-written and directed by Jeethu Joseph. Film produced by Gokulam Gopalan and Jeethu Joseph under the banner of Sree Gokulam Movies. The film features Kalidas Jayaram, Aparna Balamurali, Ganapathi and Shebin Benson in lead roles
Mr. & Ms. Rowdy (2019) [Malayalam HQ 1080p - 1.4GB ] Download
Mr. & Ms. Rowdy is a 2019 Indian Malayalam-language comedy film co-written and directed by Jeethu Joseph. Film produced by Gokulam Gopalan and Jeethu Joseph under the banner of Sree Gokulam Movies. The film features Kalidas Jayaram, Aparna Balamurali, Ganapathi and Shebin Benson in lead roles