Iruvudellava Bittu is a 2018 Indian Kannada-language Drama movie which is directed by Kanthraj Kanalli, who did his debut in Kannada Film industry as independent director in 2017 through 'Jalsa' and Produced by Devraj Davanagere featuring Meghana Raj, Tilak Shekar, Achyuth Kumar, Shri Mahadev and Sundeep Malani. The sound track and score is composed by Sridhar V Sambhram known for super hit music albums Mussanjemaatu and Krishnan Love Story, William David has worked as DOP who is famous for his great work in Rangitharanga and Rajaratha. And Raajakumara fame K.M. Prakash is editing the movie.
- Meghana Raj as Poorvi
- Tilak Shekar
- Achyuth Kumar
- Shri Mahadev
- Aruna Balraj
- Sundeep Malani
Iruvudellava Bittu 1080p - 1.4GB
720p - 850MB