Dha Dha 87 is a 2019 Indian Tamil language action romantic drama film written and directed by Vijay Sri G on his directorial debut. The film stars Kamal Haasan's elder brother Charuhasan and Keerthy Suresh's maternal grandmother Saroja in the main lead roles along with old known comedian Janagaraj in an important role. The film is touted to be a spiritual continuation to the 1988 film Sathya which starred Kamal Haasan in the lead role. The film is also simultaneously dubbed in Hindi and the film is bankrolled by Kalai Cinemas. Leander Lee Marty has been roped into score music for the film. The film was released on 1 March 2019 and received extremely poor reviews from the critics due to its confusing plotline.
- Charuhasan
- Saroja
- Janagaraj
- KPY Anand Kumar
- Sri Pallavi
- Navin Vishal
- Yanai Joke Kathir
Dha Dha 87 [1080p - 1.4GB ]
720p - 850 MB