Bazaar is an Indian Kannada action crime film directed by Suni and produced by Thimmegowda under Bharathi Film Productions banner. The film stars Dhanveer Gowda, a debutant and Aditi Prabhudeva in the lead roles along with Sadhu Kokila, Sharath Lohitashwa and Aruna Balaraj in the supporting roles. The film's plot deals with the gambling process involved in the pigeon racing.The film is shot in the real locations across Bengaluru, Mysore and Tumkur where the pigeon races are actually held.
The technical crew members for the film include Ravi Basrur as the music composer, Santhosh Rai Pathaje as the cinematographer, Abhishek. M as the editor. Initially planned to release on the Sankranthi festival day, the makers postponed the release to 1 February 2019.
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