A love triangle which revolves around a rich engineering student, Ajay, a violinist Anjali, whose strict mother despises rich people, and a sexy fashion designing student Anupama. What follows is a saga of lust and love among these three individuals.
Review: When you look at sleazy posters or teasers of director R Raghuraj's sex-comedy 4 Letters, you'd know exactly what to expect from this film. And come release day, the result is no different -- only, it's worse than you probably imagined. With crass, tasteless humour and a vulgar sleaze-filled plot, this film is as cringe-worthy as they come.
4 Letters revolves around the life of Ajay (Eshwar), whose father wants him to become a billionaire. Ajay ends up in a relationship with Anjali (Tuya Chakraborthy), a violin enthusiast whose mother despises rich people. The film takes a turn when the relationship between Ajay and Anjali's families turns sour, and Ajay then gets into a relationship with Anupama (Ankitha Maharaana), a fashion student.
With an aimless plot laden with vulgar dialogues full of double entendre, 4 Letters is almost unbearable to watch, even if you're a fan of the genre. If you decide to watch the film, keep some aspirin handy.
Review: When you look at sleazy posters or teasers of director R Raghuraj's sex-comedy 4 Letters, you'd know exactly what to expect from this film. And come release day, the result is no different -- only, it's worse than you probably imagined. With crass, tasteless humour and a vulgar sleaze-filled plot, this film is as cringe-worthy as they come.
4 Letters revolves around the life of Ajay (Eshwar), whose father wants him to become a billionaire. Ajay ends up in a relationship with Anjali (Tuya Chakraborthy), a violin enthusiast whose mother despises rich people. The film takes a turn when the relationship between Ajay and Anjali's families turns sour, and Ajay then gets into a relationship with Anupama (Ankitha Maharaana), a fashion student.
With an aimless plot laden with vulgar dialogues full of double entendre, 4 Letters is almost unbearable to watch, even if you're a fan of the genre. If you decide to watch the film, keep some aspirin handy.
4 Letters [1080p 1.4GB]
720p - 900MB