Peranbu (English: Compassion), also titled Resurrection, is a 2018 Indian Tamil-language film written and directed by Ram and produced by P. L. Thenappan. It features Mammootty, Anjali, Sadhana and Anjali Ameer in the lead roles. The film's score and soundtrack are composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja. A Malayalam language version of the film has also been made.[2] Peranbu had its world premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam on 27 January 2018, and had the Asian premiere at the Shanghai International Film Festival, China on 17 June.[3][4][5]
The film was also selected to be screened under the Indian Panorama category of 49th International Film Festival of India.[6] The film released in theatres on 1 February 2019, receiving positive reviews from critics.



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Peranbu (2019) Tamil HQ PreDVDRip 700MB download
Peranbu (English: Compassion), also titled Resurrection, is a 2018 Indian Tamil-language film written and directed by Ram and produced by P. L. Thenappan. It features Mammootty, Anjali, Sadhana and Anjali Ameer in the lead roles. The film's score and soundtrack are composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja. A Malayalam language version of the film has also been made.[2] Peranbu had its world premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam on 27 January 2018, and had the Asian premiere at the Shanghai International Film Festival, China on 17 June.[3][4][5]
The film was also selected to be screened under the Indian Panorama category of 49th International Film Festival of India.[6] The film released in theatres on 1 February 2019, receiving positive reviews from critics.



1080P = 1.5GB
 720P = 700mb
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