Nethraa is an 2019 Indian Tamil thriller film co-produced and directed by A. Venkatesh. The film features a cast including Vinay, Thaman Kumar and Subiksha in the lead roles and visualization by cinematographer A. Jeyaprakash . The film, predominantly shot in Canada, began production during August 2016 was relased on February 2019.
- Vinay
- Thaman Kumar as Velu
- Subiksha
- Riythvika
- G. K. Reddy
- Rajendran
- Robo Shankar
- A. Venkatesh
- A. Jeyaprakash
- Imman Annachi
- Vincent Asokan
screen shots
Nethra (2019)[Tamil -1080p-1.4GB] Download
Nethra (2019)[Tamil -720p-700mb] Download