Chennai 2 Singapore is a Tamil-language romantic comedy film written and directed by Abbas Akbar, featuring Gokul Anand, Rajesh Balachandiran, Anju Kurian, Shiv Keshav, Emcee Jesz The film was jointly produced by Media Development Authority of Singapore, Ghibran, Vrobal and MM2 Entertainment Pte Ltd and co-produced by Shabir. Chennai2Singapore is the first collaboration between the Tamil and Singaporean film industries.
- Gokul Anand as Harish
- Rajesh Balachandiran as Vaanambaadi
- Anju Kurian as Roshini
- Shiv Keshav as Michael
- Emcee Jesz as PapaBlast
Chennai 2 Singapore
1080p 1.4GB
1080p 1.4GB
720p 1.4GB